Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Snowed under!

It was noticeably colder than it has been recently when I set out for a three mile "recovery" run this morning - the recovery being from the 10 miler I completed on Sunday, and which left me feeling more like 70 than 49 and four fifths. It was the furthest I've run for a long time and boy did my legs let me know it. Still, in my overall plan for the year, that's 10 more useful miles in the old pins.

However, this morning's temperature was nothing compared to those prevailing through much of last December, when I took this photo of the back garden. For days on end, like most of the UK, we felt completely snowed under up here in St Albans, which brings me in a roundabout and highly contrived kind of way to the purpose of today's short blog entry. Work-wise I am almost as snowed under as the back garden was back in December and I will be probably until the end of the month. I shouldn't really be writing this now as I need to have the section of the Open University course I'm working on finished by the end of today. However, sometimes a change really is as good as a rest, and while I have been writing this I've finally come up with the wording for a tricky paragraph that I have been trying to write all afternoon. And women reckon that men can't multi-task! Huh!

Nevertheless, due to my current workload I may struggle to post very much on here between now and when I run the Bath half marathon on 6th March. Thereafter it should be service as normal again, and there will certainly be plenty for me to ramble on about on here once Spring has sprung. In the meantime I promise to do my very best to pop up with a few bits and pieces whenever I can, so please do keep dropping in from time to time to catch up with me.

I have thoroughly enjoyed writing the blog so far and have been happy to discover that some of the people reading it have found it entertaining too. As well as my running and various exciting events lined up throughout the year, I have up my sleeve a number of other ideas to write about, including a few more plunderings of the photographic archive.

I hope you will be able to stay with me for the ride.

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