Monday, March 21, 2011

Spot the Difference .....

.... if you can! Only 24 days to go now until I qualify to go on a Saga holiday, so I thought it was time to take a closer look at how I compare to the Club 18-30 version of myself (well almost, I think I was 16 or 17 when the topless photograph was taken). I'm finding it hard to spot any changes. Can you?

Answers on a postcard please! Or preferably in the comment box below. Go on tell me what you think - if you haven't got an appropriate account, click on anonymous and write your name below your comment. You'll also have to copy out the squiggly letters.

I look forward to hearing from you.


  1. Amongst other things, I think my nose has got smaller!

  2. I think ( not sure) but it seems you had slightly more control of your hair. in the first photo.

  3. Cheers Col. Well I certainly had a lot more of it in those days!

  4. You've had a bit of work done haven't you?
    I blame Sylvester Stallone's mum for making it socially acceptable.
